19 10, 2016

Kinderwagentrend: rustgevend groen

By |2019-07-18T15:49:58+02:0019 oktober, 2016|Categories: Geen onderdeel van een categorie|Tags: , |

[:en]I was waiting for the embargo of the last press release, but here it is: there is a new trend in strollers: green! And I'm not talking about the bright green colour from tropical countries, but I mean gray-green shades of the Northern Hemisphere, with  misty, wild forests with deciduous trees and pinetrees. Green represents [...]

27 02, 2015

Wat zijn de baby trends in 2015?

By |2019-07-18T15:55:20+02:0027 februari, 2015|Categories: Geen onderdeel van een categorie|Tags: , |

The important consumer fair The Negenmaandenbeurs started just a few days ago, a good time to share some important babytrends with you: No stroller but a baby carrier A stroller was invented so you don't have to carry your baby anymore and to have your hands free. But nowadays there is a growing group of [...]