5 03, 2015

Uitreiking Baby Innovation Awards 2015

By |2019-07-18T15:55:15+02:005 maart, 2015|Categories: Geen onderdeel van een categorie|Tags: , , , |

Finally it was time! The winners of the Baby Innovation Award are presented and the ceremony of the awards took place on the first day of the biggest consumerfair in The Netherlands: de Negenmaandenbeurs. We had to wait for the official opening but at half past ten it was time. The election in brief: in [...]

22 01, 2015

Mama jurydag BabyStuf Baby Innovation Award was fabulous!

By |2019-07-18T15:55:37+02:0022 januari, 2015|Categories: Geen onderdeel van een categorie|Tags: , , |

One of the fun parts of the BabyStuf Baby Innovation Award election is the Mom's jury day, which we, for the first time, organised together with the consumer titles fabulous mama and site Mama en Zo. Mothers can, as no other, judge whether a product is useful, convenient, userfriendly and especially if it's useful for [...]