26 11, 2014

Kinderveiligheid gaat goed maar kan nog beter

By |2019-07-18T15:55:43+02:0026 november, 2014|Categories: Geen onderdeel van een categorie|Tags: , |

Did you know that as a result of private, sport, work or traffic accidents 250.000 children aged 0 to 18 years are treated each year at first aid in hospitals? That's approximately 700 children per day! Falls are the main concern, followed by poisoning, burning, choking and drowning. Other hard figures: about 20% of parents [...]

7 11, 2014

Nominaties BabyStuf Baby Innovation Award bekend!

By |2019-07-18T15:55:44+02:007 november, 2014|Categories: Geen onderdeel van een categorie|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Yes, it's time! The nominees of the BabyStuf Baby Innovation Award are announced! The jury day began with getting up early to drive all articles in several cars to NH Hotel Naarden. There they were unloaded in a spacious room, unpacked, displayed and provided with descriptions. Not much later, the members of the jury trickled [...]

15 10, 2014

Een kinderwagen rijden zoals James Bond met Silver Cross by Aston Martin

By |2019-07-18T15:55:59+02:0015 oktober, 2014|Categories: Geen onderdeel van een categorie|Tags: , , , , , , |

If you're a fan of James Bond you know Aston Martin. This British super car was introduced in the classic movie 'Die Another Day' and won various prizes with its striking design. A dream for many men (and perhaps women!); he drove nearly 310 km per hour, reached a speed of 100 km per hour [...]

13 10, 2014

Vakbeurs Pink & Blue rocks met nieuwe merken

By |2019-07-18T15:56:01+02:0013 oktober, 2014|Categories: Geen onderdeel van een categorie|Tags: , , , , , |

Between a journey to a tradeshow in Madrid and trip to Nice fortunately I found time to visit the Pink & Blue Kids Trade Fair. For this edition the exhibition organisers worked together with the Trade Mart Utrecht. The fair was completely styled in New York spheres with funny attributes, free finger food and smoothies [...]

30 09, 2014

Thule en de revival van de jogger kinderwagen

By |2019-07-18T15:56:04+02:0030 september, 2014|Categories: Geen onderdeel van een categorie|Tags: , , |

Visiting the Kind + Jugend trade fair is hard work so I'm always happy that my husband comes along for the last two days. In this way we combine business and pleasure in Cologne. He is always surprised by the innovations in the baby market, but has obviously seen enough baby stuff after all these [...]

16 09, 2014

Nieuw adembenemend babymerk: Colibries

By |2019-07-18T15:56:05+02:0016 september, 2014|Categories: Geen onderdeel van een categorie|Tags: , , |

Have you seen any news? That is a common question after visiting the international trade fair Kind + Jugend. Yes of course! At the end of one of the enormous halls I noticed a small booth with the new Dutch brand Colibries. Founder Thuy Nguyen is originally from Vietnam and by her work she came [...]

8 09, 2014

Stoere babykamer Cargo van Coming Kids

By |2019-07-18T15:56:06+02:008 september, 2014|Categories: Geen onderdeel van een categorie|Tags: , |

It's not so long ago that buying a complete new nursery was very normal. But much has changed. Complete babyrooms consisting of a bed, chest of drawers and wardrobe are still sold, but it has more and more become a mix and match of old and new furniture, borrowed, received or bought second hand. When [...]

18 08, 2014

Inventief bijthandschoentje Gummee Glove

By |2019-07-18T15:56:08+02:0018 augustus, 2014|Categories: Geen onderdeel van een categorie|Tags: , , |

Small children often have difficulty with holding toys but do want to bring something to their mouths to suck on. If this fails, they can get pretty frustrated or chew on their own hands making the skin sore. It could also be that your baby is already getting teeth, sometimes in such an early stage [...]

6 08, 2014

Zilverkapjes helpen bij borstvoeding

By |2019-07-18T15:56:09+02:006 augustus, 2014|Categories: Geen onderdeel van een categorie|Tags: , |

Instead of a romantic picture while breastfeeding your child, you are getting problems like sore nipples ... ahhhh, horror! Despite all the information and guidance (because knowing how to breastfeed with your baby the right position can prevent much suffering!) it is still possible that you are feeding in a tense way because of cracked [...]

17 07, 2014

Babyzen kinderwagen kleurt het straatbeeld

By |2019-07-18T15:56:10+02:0017 juli, 2014|Categories: Geen onderdeel van een categorie|Tags: , |

Cheerful yellow and silver are the trendy colors of the limited editions of stroller brand Babyzen. But the potential of this stroller are unlimited. The spacious carrycot Yoga can be used as a travel cot and as a bouncer. The stroller is very small foldable and fits in almost every trunk of the car. The [...]

9 07, 2014

Minimonkey draagzak wezenlijk anders

By |2019-07-18T15:56:11+02:009 juli, 2014|Categories: Geen onderdeel van een categorie|Tags: , , |

There are plenty baby carriers but in this Mini Monkey carrier you wear your baby really in a substantially different way. To experience the difference you have to try this baby carrier yourself. Founder Margot Visser has done years of research on this subject. A Mini Monkey baby carrier may look like other carriers, but [...]

3 07, 2014

Oops: vrolijk & educatief baby- en peuterspeelgoed

By |2019-07-18T15:56:24+02:003 juli, 2014|Categories: Geen onderdeel van een categorie|Tags: , |

This beautiful illustration represents one of the themes of a new toy line: Oops! Oops is colorful, creative and educational toy collection specifically designed for babies and toddlers. Eight cheerful characters, including Mr. Wu the Owl and Cookie the turtle, taking children along in fantasy worlds where they live extraordinary adventures: City and Forest. The [...]

24 05, 2014

Je verdrietige baby sussen met Magic Mitten

By |2019-07-18T15:56:29+02:0024 mei, 2014|Categories: Geen onderdeel van een categorie|Tags: , |

Fortunately, my kids didn't have many crying hours, but there are always times when your baby seems to be inconsolable. At such moments, as a mother you will drop everything out of your hands and rapidly tick off what the problem is: diaper change needed? hungry? is your child in pain? Does he just wants [...]

8 05, 2014

Babykleding Fresk: lief, fris en een beetje eigenwijs

By |2019-07-18T15:56:31+02:008 mei, 2014|Categories: Geen onderdeel van een categorie|Tags: , , , , , |

New baby clothes label Fresk: sweet, fresh and a little cocky A new baby clothing label has arrived Fresk! This new baby line has a striking appearance  by the special prints in retro and Scandinavian style. The word Fresk means in Norwegian: a fresh breeze, a new beginning and a reference to the Scandinavian roots [...]

29 04, 2014

Opblaasbaar autostoeltje van Volvo

By |2019-07-18T15:56:32+02:0029 april, 2014|Categories: Geen onderdeel van een categorie|Tags: , , |

Inflatable Volvo children car seat One press of the button and 40 seconds later you have an inflatable rear facing car seat for children up to 1 meter (3 and 4 years old). The inflatable Child Seat Concept inflates itself with an integrated air pump. How the power exactly works is kept a secret. According [...]

24 04, 2014

Bugaboo & Andy Warhol Banana kinderwagen

By |2019-07-18T15:56:34+02:0024 april, 2014|Categories: Geen onderdeel van een categorie|Tags: , , , |

Bugaboo stroller & Andy Warhol Banana collection Attention all Bugaboo fans: in May the new Bugaboo stroller will be introduced with a design by Andy Warhol : the Banana! What did Warhol had in mind with this design? Is it a joke? Is it art? Like no other Andy Warhol challenges his audience to look with [...]